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📊 Comprehensive Guide to Tally ERP Shortcut Keys ⌨️

Tally ERP Shortcut Keys
Shortcut Key Function Description
F1 Help Opens the Help screen for assistance.
F2 Change the Date Allows you to modify the current date.
F3 Company Selection Opens the Company Selection menu.
F4 Contra Entry Used to make contra entries, such as cash to bank.
F5 Payment Entry Opens the payment voucher screen for recording payments.
F6 Receipt Entry Opens the receipt voucher screen for recording receipts.
F7 Journal Entry Opens the journal voucher screen for various accounting entries.
F8 Sales Entry Opens the sales voucher screen for recording sales.
F9 Purchase Entry Opens the purchase voucher screen for recording purchases.
F10 Delete Entry Deletes the currently selected entry or voucher.
Alt + F1 View Audit Trail Displays the audit trail for tracking changes made to the data.
Alt + F2 Change Date Lets you switch to a different date without exiting the voucher.
Alt + F3 Company Creation Opens the Company Creation screen for setting up new companies.
Alt + F4 Close Tally Exits the Tally ERP software.
Ctrl + A Accept/Confirm Saves the changes made in the current screen.
Ctrl + C Copy Copies the selected text or entry to the clipboard.
Ctrl + D Delete Deletes the selected item or entry.
Ctrl + E Export Opens the export functionality to transfer data to different formats.
Ctrl + I Import Opens the import functionality to bring in data from other sources.
Ctrl + M Create New Company Initiates the process of creating a new company.
Ctrl + N New Voucher Entry Starts a new voucher entry in the current mode.
Ctrl + R Reversal Entry Opens the reversal entry screen for making adjustments.
Ctrl + S Save Saves the current data or entry without exiting.
Ctrl + V Paste Pastes the copied content from the clipboard.
Ctrl + Q Quit Exits from the current operation or menu.
Ctrl + P Print Opens the print dialog for printing the current screen or report.
Ctrl + H Help Provides contextual help for the current screen.
Ctrl + F Filter Opens the filter options to narrow down data displays.
Alt + C Create a New Ledger or Voucher Initiates the creation of a new ledger or voucher from anywhere in the software.
Alt + V View Allows you to view the selected report or entry in detail.
Alt + R Remove Removes the selected item or data.
Alt + I Insert Inserts a new entry or record in the current screen.
Alt + X Export Data Exports the selected data to the desired format.
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