MERN Stack is a popular technology stack used for web development. It stands for:
1. 🍃 MongoDB: This is a NoSQL database that stores data in a flexible, JSON-like format. It's commonly used for handling and storing data in web applications.
2. 🚀 Express.js: It's a web application framework for Node.js that simplifies the creation of server-side applications. It's especially useful for building APIs and handling HTTP requests.
3. ⚛️ React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It's known for its component-based architecture and is used for creating interactive and dynamic web applications.
4. 📦 Node.js: A JavaScript runtime that allows you to run JavaScript on the server-side. It's often used with Express.js to create the server for MERN applications.
When combined, these technologies form a full-stack web development applications. This stack is especially popular for creating modern, single-page web applications and is known for its flexibility and scalability.